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Our Recent Posts


Misdiagnosis & Misunderstandings
This is our personal story that was filmed as part of an interview with a Doctor in London. It's nice to be able to share our story this...

Being in a Darkness Video!
I've always loved The Darkness. I saw them in concert years ago. They remind me of my girl band gigging days as we always listened to...

Busy Month Fundraising
November is Diabetes Awareness Month and I've been very busy raising money for JDRF. I performed my song Guardian Angel at The One Ball...

Letter from Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall
After a lot of stressing our video was finished! See the video featured on the website. I'm in the process of sharing and emailing etc!...

Type 1 Tech Disasters (blog 8)
I absolutely love the Dexcom G6. BUT we’re on our 4th sensor with none of the other 3 lasting. 1st sensor fell off on day 4. Also from...

Dexcom G6 insertion by Beren age 6
Beren really wanted to make this video of himself inserting the G6 for the first time. He creased the adhesive at the bottom a bit but...

The Dexcom G6 CGM (blog 7)
We are very excited as today we have received the new Dexcom G6 yey! It's heartbreaking that a 6 year old would be excited about a...

How To Use An Emergency Glucagon Hypo Kit
The thought of having to give an emergency glucagon injection fills me with dread. How can you possibly stay calm and focus on what needs...
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